Shoe Rack and Dining Table

Design models for 10mm steel plate shoe rack and dining table. The low shoe rack is at the first floor entry. The table was designed for Joseph Hoffman's Fledermaus dining chairs of 1907. Looking across the living room from the first floor entry the steel plate table almost disappears into a very thin line......revealing the curving black lacquer shapes of the fledermaus chairs against white plaster walls bathed in light from a long slit skylight stretching the full width of the room.
Shoe Rack and Dining Table

Shoe Rack and Dining Table

Design models for 10mm steel plate shoe rack and dining table. The low shoe rack is at the first floor entry. The table was designed for Joseph Hoffman's Fledermaus dining chairs of 1907. Looking across the living room from the first floor entry the steel plate table almost disappears into a very thin line......revealing the curving black lacquer shapes of the fledermaus chairs against white plaster walls bathed in light from a long slit skylight stretching the full width of the room.