
In the natural world life has only two states. It is either growing to maturation or it is dying. And growth to maturity is unquenchable. A tree only knows to grow just as large as it can possibly be.

The appetite of a young child for life is insatiable. Their joy and wonder is boundless. Without limit. The enquiry of a child in their trajectory of growth is inexhaustible. Children arrive with directness of sight and clarity. They can see the world as it is and it excites them in every moment.

But when I look at the world we have created I wonder. What happened? How is it that we have been so successful in generating a culture that arrests maturation? A world of arrested development. A world in which we settle for so little once the boundlessness of a child is extinguished.

Imagine fulfilling the capacities of your childhood. What would your life be like?

It is part of the responsibilities of an architect to use their fullest capacity to create the spaces that contain our future. Spaces that serve completely and in which life can unfold without hindrance.


In the natural world life has only two states. It is either growing to maturation or it is dying. And growth to maturity is unquenchable. A tree only knows to grow just as large as it can possibly be.

The appetite of a young child for life is insatiable. Their joy and wonder is boundless. Without limit. The enquiry of a child in their trajectory of growth is inexhaustible. Children arrive with directness of sight and clarity. They can see the world as it is and it excites them in every moment.

But when I look at the world we have created I wonder. What happened? How is it that we have been so successful in generating a culture that arrests maturation? A world of arrested development. A world in which we settle for so little once the boundlessness of a child is extinguished.

Imagine fulfilling the capacities of your childhood. What would your life be like?

It is part of the responsibilities of an architect to use their fullest capacity to create the spaces that contain our future. Spaces that serve completely and in which life can unfold without hindrance.