
A fleeting moment in a shopping strip.

In less than 100 years we have industrialised every dimension of what we take to be nutrition.

The specific and local of our evolution has become the global. Food is now products. Manufactures of factory farms and industrial plants. The living and organic is stripped and manipulated to fit the constraints of industry. No longer eating by seasons we eat by brands.

Global brands that are now what once only gods could be. Ubiquitous, everywhere simultaneously, and the archetypal brand is Coke.

Somehow it symbolises the world we have allowed ourselves to step into. Arising through a world of marketing, it satisfies a want but not a need. And feeding our wants with the products of factories our bodies slowly starve.

Like water dripping onto a stone, over time our health slowly erodes and in exchange for our ease and ignorance we pay a fearsome price.


A fleeting moment in a shopping strip.

In less than 100 years we have industrialised every dimension of what we take to be nutrition.

The specific and local of our evolution has become the global. Food is now products. Manufactures of factory farms and industrial plants. The living and organic is stripped and manipulated to fit the constraints of industry. No longer eating by seasons we eat by brands.

Global brands that are now what once only gods could be. Ubiquitous, everywhere simultaneously, and the archetypal brand is Coke.

Somehow it symbolises the world we have allowed ourselves to step into. Arising through a world of marketing, it satisfies a want but not a need. And feeding our wants with the products of factories our bodies slowly starve.

Like water dripping onto a stone, over time our health slowly erodes and in exchange for our ease and ignorance we pay a fearsome price.