
Lifted and eroded this immense wall of four hundred million year old rock forms a valley wall in the Grampian ranges.

Our entire evolution from first breath to moon shot a mere blinking in its measure of time.

The span of our reason, language, music, literature, philosophy, religion only a line in its passage.

The natural world contains realities that we can only dimly imagine. Worlds of other scales, of other dimensions of time that we can only conceive of through analogy.

How does a mortal of three score years and ten hold from trembling in the presence of such a vastness of time?

How do we face such wonder?


Lifted and eroded this immense wall of four hundred million year old rock forms a valley wall in the Grampian ranges.

Our entire evolution from first breath to moon shot a mere blinking in its measure of time.

The span of our reason, language, music, literature, philosophy, religion only a line in its passage.

The natural world contains realities that we can only dimly imagine. Worlds of other scales, of other dimensions of time that we can only conceive of through analogy.

How does a mortal of three score years and ten hold from trembling in the presence of such a vastness of time?

How do we face such wonder?