
All cultures arise from within a native landscape. The place within which they are born. The form of the earth and the skies, the seas and the flora, the wind and the rain of their location comes to inform every dimension of their thought and conception of existence and of time.

Embedded in their landscape their creations from music to architecture are distilled through its prism. Each evolving clear and distinct spatial qualities in all their works. Their own clear native space that has arisen from their landscape. In the pre-industrial world across the continents these qualities were clear and distinct. None was clearer than the indigenous people of Australia who had dwelt within their landscape for 60,000 years.

Within the velocity of our industrial world we have increasingly lost contact with our roots. Enveloped in a smorgasbord of distraction from birth in globally marketed sameness we have lost touch.

When a design can be either or, can be plucked from anywhere on the planet and used here what do we have?

How do we embrace the deep brilliance of our civilisation and its potential in this moment and create an environment of integrity that is specific to us, this place, and serves fully?


All cultures arise from within a native landscape. The place within which they are born. The form of the earth and the skies, the seas and the flora, the wind and the rain of their location comes to inform every dimension of their thought and conception of existence and of time.

Embedded in their landscape their creations from music to architecture are distilled through its prism. Each evolving clear and distinct spatial qualities in all their works. Their own clear native space that has arisen from their landscape. In the pre-industrial world across the continents these qualities were clear and distinct. None was clearer than the indigenous people of Australia who had dwelt within their landscape for 60,000 years.

Within the velocity of our industrial world we have increasingly lost contact with our roots. Enveloped in a smorgasbord of distraction from birth in globally marketed sameness we have lost touch.

When a design can be either or, can be plucked from anywhere on the planet and used here what do we have?

How do we embrace the deep brilliance of our civilisation and its potential in this moment and create an environment of integrity that is specific to us, this place, and serves fully?