Childhood steam train 1995

As a child I lived in many places. But home for me is the forests of the Dandenong Ranges outside Melbourne Australia. Ranges that continue northward unbroken for two thousand kilometres.

I grew in the enchanted beauty of their hills and valleys. Freezing winter mists, sleet and snow. The apocalyptic fury of relentless summer firestorms consuming all. Driven by searing winds at impossible speed great tongues of flame reducing a world to ash. Valleys of black that miraculously bloom again into vivid abundance. It is here that I came to understand the nature of life.

And through them runs an old steam train on narrow rails over hand hewn timber bridges. Walking its tracks for hours, exploring the forests it passes yet never quite reaching its end. Clambering into its old cabin of flame and steam was another world. This marvellous machine with no electrical power was my discovery that there was a world before our lives of mass communication and limitless supply. This little train from time past ignited an appetite that drew me to ancient cities and to walk their ruins. To explore the remains of a time when we were younger and closer to our beginning. This transformed my life.

The little train is still cherished. It now carries tourist from all over the world through these beautiful hills of my childhood.
Childhood steam train 1995

Childhood steam train 1995

As a child I lived in many places. But home for me is the forests of the Dandenong Ranges outside Melbourne Australia. Ranges that continue northward unbroken for two thousand kilometres.

I grew in the enchanted beauty of their hills and valleys. Freezing winter mists, sleet and snow. The apocalyptic fury of relentless summer firestorms consuming all. Driven by searing winds at impossible speed great tongues of flame reducing a world to ash. Valleys of black that miraculously bloom again into vivid abundance. It is here that I came to understand the nature of life.

And through them runs an old steam train on narrow rails over hand hewn timber bridges. Walking its tracks for hours, exploring the forests it passes yet never quite reaching its end. Clambering into its old cabin of flame and steam was another world. This marvellous machine with no electrical power was my discovery that there was a world before our lives of mass communication and limitless supply. This little train from time past ignited an appetite that drew me to ancient cities and to walk their ruins. To explore the remains of a time when we were younger and closer to our beginning. This transformed my life.

The little train is still cherished. It now carries tourist from all over the world through these beautiful hills of my childhood.