Birth of a daughter

Baby girl an hour from birthing, exhausted and waiting for the spectacle of our world to unfold.

A baby at birth is a magical creature. Arriving into our world free of prejudice before absorbing the culture into which they are quickly enfolded.

For a baby all is new. The first breath of air, a breeze on their skin, the scent of a flower, splashing in water, the first taste of ripe fruit, watching shadows on a wall. And, the memories of these moments of original clarity are still embedded within us all.

When you experience the late works of great artists like Matisse you experience this earliest clarity arising again. But this time they have the sublime technical capacity from a lifetime of labour to realise it in paintings, sculpture, music, words and light. Realising it in tangible form to which we can respond and that can speak to us through time. Works that inform us of our humanity.

This is the nature of art
Birth of a daughter

Birth of a daughter

Baby girl an hour from birthing, exhausted and waiting for the spectacle of our world to unfold.

A baby at birth is a magical creature. Arriving into our world free of prejudice before absorbing the culture into which they are quickly enfolded.

For a baby all is new. The first breath of air, a breeze on their skin, the scent of a flower, splashing in water, the first taste of ripe fruit, watching shadows on a wall. And, the memories of these moments of original clarity are still embedded within us all.

When you experience the late works of great artists like Matisse you experience this earliest clarity arising again. But this time they have the sublime technical capacity from a lifetime of labour to realise it in paintings, sculpture, music, words and light. Realising it in tangible form to which we can respond and that can speak to us through time. Works that inform us of our humanity.

This is the nature of art