Paradise garden

In ancient Persia gardeners created in their semi-arid landscape walled gardens of great beauty. They called them paradise gardens. Filled with the delicate scent of blossoms at their heart was placed water.

Water that in its reflection connected earth and sky, heaven and earth.

In the Australian landscape water is special and no living thing can ever take it for granted. Places of water becoming oases of life. Special places of wonder and growth that are in our landscape paradise gardens.
Paradise garden

Paradise garden

In ancient Persia gardeners created in their semi-arid landscape walled gardens of great beauty. They called them paradise gardens. Filled with the delicate scent of blossoms at their heart was placed water.

Water that in its reflection connected earth and sky, heaven and earth.

In the Australian landscape water is special and no living thing can ever take it for granted. Places of water becoming oases of life. Special places of wonder and growth that are in our landscape paradise gardens.