Minaret ceramic mosaic Afghanistan

Islamic art from China to Spain is linked by a unifying concept in which very highly developed abstract geometric schemes are the basis of composition. It is an art that is non-representational. Transcending our world rather than being a pictorial representation of nature.

Geometry is found in all artistic traditions but in Islamic art it is developed with the greatest inner logic and amplitude. In Islamic art the artist subordinates themselves to the objective and impersonal beauty of their work.

Islamic canons of design arise from highly developed mathematical and geometrical formulae that order art in two dimensions and generate three dimensional space in architecture.

Discovering the beauty and wondrous unity of this art in Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and India was beyond enlightening. Witnessing masterworks of a profoundly poetic art that had developed to extraordinary levels over centuries in so many cultures. Its underlying rigour, clarity and inclusiveness is breathtaking.

“My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there.” - Rumi
Minaret ceramic mosaic Afghanistan

Minaret ceramic mosaic Afghanistan

Islamic art from China to Spain is linked by a unifying concept in which very highly developed abstract geometric schemes are the basis of composition. It is an art that is non-representational. Transcending our world rather than being a pictorial representation of nature.

Geometry is found in all artistic traditions but in Islamic art it is developed with the greatest inner logic and amplitude. In Islamic art the artist subordinates themselves to the objective and impersonal beauty of their work.

Islamic canons of design arise from highly developed mathematical and geometrical formulae that order art in two dimensions and generate three dimensional space in architecture.

Discovering the beauty and wondrous unity of this art in Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and India was beyond enlightening. Witnessing masterworks of a profoundly poetic art that had developed to extraordinary levels over centuries in so many cultures. Its underlying rigour, clarity and inclusiveness is breathtaking.

“My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there.” - Rumi