Propylaea of the Athenian Acropolis 432 BC

The Greek city states of antiquity were filled with extraordinarily accomplished public buildings and temples. Executed with great skill and technical ability they were the fruits of a design tradition evolving over thousands of years.

One of the few surviving masterworks is the Propylaea. Regarded as a masterpiece in antiquity it was the gateway to the Acropolis, the abode of the gods of Athens. Only the ritually clean could pass through its portal to the sanctuary of the gods beyond.

For nearly 900 years the Propylaea served until the veil of Christianity finally descended on Athens. Remaining intact it was severely damaged in an explosion in 1656 after standing for more than two thousand years.

Today the ruins of the Acropolis are revered as one of the pinnacles of artistic achievement.

They are an outstanding example of what is possible when there is a unity of tradition, values and capacity in a society. Of what is possible when there is a clearest intent to create to the highest possible standard in every dimension.

It is humbling to be in the presence of such clarity of a people still speaking from 2400 years ago.
Propylaea of the Athenian Acropolis 432 BC

Propylaea of the Athenian Acropolis 432 BC

The Greek city states of antiquity were filled with extraordinarily accomplished public buildings and temples. Executed with great skill and technical ability they were the fruits of a design tradition evolving over thousands of years.

One of the few surviving masterworks is the Propylaea. Regarded as a masterpiece in antiquity it was the gateway to the Acropolis, the abode of the gods of Athens. Only the ritually clean could pass through its portal to the sanctuary of the gods beyond.

For nearly 900 years the Propylaea served until the veil of Christianity finally descended on Athens. Remaining intact it was severely damaged in an explosion in 1656 after standing for more than two thousand years.

Today the ruins of the Acropolis are revered as one of the pinnacles of artistic achievement.

They are an outstanding example of what is possible when there is a unity of tradition, values and capacity in a society. Of what is possible when there is a clearest intent to create to the highest possible standard in every dimension.

It is humbling to be in the presence of such clarity of a people still speaking from 2400 years ago.